Little Mermaid cake

A friend wanted a Little Mermaid themed cake with a 2D version of Ariel for her daughter Hailey. However, after I saw a post on (can't see that exact post now, but you can check out the rest of her blog for tutorials and inspiration), I wanted to sculpt my own Ariel since I've never done it before. So here's what I've made.

Ariel under construction

Front view of Ariel on top of this small cake (bottom tier 7 inches round 2 inches thick,  6 inches round 3 inches thick).  

Side view with the birthday girl's name, Flounder at the bottom (bubbling up), with a crab and Sebastian on top. (My apologies for the picture that's not centered.) Oh and you can see a starfish in the far back.

Top view of Ariel. There's a pink seahorse on her right side, a yellow shell behind her, and an orange shell and another red starfish below her. She's holding the number "8" because the birthday girl is 8 years old.

Until my next post!


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