Another catch up post: Chinese New Year, Hello Kitty, Ben10, and Biking

The week leading to Valentines day until the 16th of the month was a busy stretch for me. I made quite a lot of stuff that I wasn't able to post at all. Let's start with the cutest Hello Kitty cupcake that I made for three-year-old Amy.

Super cute, right?
I had fun making these!

Also made cookies for Amy's birthday.
I also made a Ben10 cake and cookies for five-year-old Giomell.

When Chinese New Year came, I also made a batch of cupcakes.

Kung Hei Fat Choi!
Last February 6, I also made a biking themed cake. 

February has been another baking marathon month. These were just for February 6 to 16, not to mention the dozens of Valentines cookies that I made, a red velvet Valentine cake and cupcakes that I wasn't able to take a picture of because I was in such a rush, plus two more themed cupcakes/cakes that I will feature in my next post. I'm on the verge of another frantic baking stretch! Wish me luck!

Cookies and Kisses that I gave my hubby on Valentines day with his glass of milk

Cute, right?

Hugs,love, kisses, xoxo

Love is sweet!
