December baking marathon update

How long have I been gone?

I've ignored my blog for three weeks (last post on December 1 and it's now December 21). So what happened?

Well, I had to bake a wedding cake (three tiers on a ginormous platform covered in fondant) without electricity during the first week of the month. Along with the cake, I made 150 cupcakes as wedding souvenirs. I made 4 dozens of royal icing covered sugar cookies plus 2 dozens of fondant-decorated sugar cookies on December 14. I gave five boxes of sugar cookies (7 to 8 pieces of big and small cookies in each box) to my friends last December 15. I also had to come up with 100 pairs of Christmas sugar cookies and 25 cupcakes and 25 cookies that are rockstar inspired last December 16. I had 10 more boxes (7 cookies each) last December 18. Not only that! On the same day, I had to deliver 30 sugar cookies, 20 cupcakes, and a two-tier chocolate cake that were all ballerina-inspired for my friends' daughter. On December 19, a client ordered four dozens of blank snowman-shaped sugar cookies. Today, another customer ordered 10 boxes of sugar cookies, plus tomorrow I have to make 100 cupcakes for a wedding. I also just made 3 dozens of cupcakes and four boxes of sugar cookies for my husband's family reunion on Sunday.

Take those figures, plus-minus extra cookies that broke off/were damaged and excess cupcakes (I lost count).

WOW! I probably baked close to 600 sugar cookies and close to 300 cupcakes as of today. I did a lot of baking.

I feel like Superwoman!
